What It Is:Audioengine Bookshelf SpeakersWhat It Does:The foundation of the Audioengine family the A5+ Home Music System will fit on your shelf but fill up the room. And with no network setup or passwords to enter it doesn t get any easier-or sound any better-than this. From hip-hop to heavy metal symphonic to spoken word the A5+ is a master of all trades.Features5" WoofersAnalog InputsSeamlessly Connects to a SubwooferRemote Control IncludedIf They Sound Too Good to Be True They re AudioengineAudioengine s analog amplifiers are designed to give you a much warmer clearer sound with rich pure bass tones than the digital amplifiers you find in so many mass-produced speakers. Some people think analog is "old" but it s not. It s experienced. Of course it helps that their ca
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