BeyerDynamic MMX 150 Closed Back USB Gaming Headset $149.00 Go to Update at 3d ago, first seen in May 2024
MMX 150In gaming, every day is different. And yet, there is an easy way to choose the best champion – with the META PICK. With the MMX 100, it's the perfect combination of high-resolution sound and cross-platform compatibility that makes the MMX 100 the META PICK for every console lover.Product Highlights:- Clear and precise sound on studio level- Natural vocal transmission with low ambient noise thanks to detachable META VOICE microphone- Best compatibility via USB with PC, Playstation and Switch. XBOX is supported via the included analog cable. (augmented mode and controls are only available via USB connection)- Excellent wearing comfort throughout many many hours of gaming- Volume control wheel with control element for volume, mute and augmented mode (Real-time monitoring of the environment thanks to the new augmented mode)Product Features:PROFESSIONAL SOUND FOR A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGEBeyerdynamic drivers are the meta pick in premium studio-quality sound. That much is proven by the MMX 150’s high-resolution sound. The 40mm drivers built into the MMX have been specially optimised for gaming by experienced acoustic engineers.This results in a clearer and more precise sound that can be heard across all genres: in FPS games you profit from a precise sound localisation, which gives you a notable advantage in a range of situations. RPGs feel even more realistic thanks to the distinct sound.META VOICE MICROPHONE, STUDIO-LEVEL GAMINGLoud background noises in the chat break a team’s immersion and focus. In gaming, the stakes are high and it’s important for your voice to be transmitted naturally with a minimum of background noise. We have translated our years of studio experience into the world of gaming to set our benchmark for studio-level gaming. The answer is the new META VOICE cardioid condenser microphone, which features a 9.9 mm capsule to reproduce your voice naturally and true to life. However, typical background noises like keyboard clacks and mouse clicks will be eliminated.VOLUME DIAL WITH CONTROL ELEMENTNever again will you have to waste time searching along your cable! A practical volume dial ensures the MMX 150 can be adjusted quickly and precisely. Intuitive controls mean you can adjust the volume without leaving your game. And the microphone can be muted using the separate mute button.SOPHISTICATED DESIGN FOR HOURS OF COMFORTThe MMX 150 combines the classic beyerdynamic aesthetic with a functionality that really matters in gaming. The aluminium band holds the headset together and guarantees durability and a premium look. To prevent pressure points on the head, the band is fitted with memory foam cushioning encased in artificial leather. The memory-foam-filled artificial leather ear pads guarantee comfort for hours on end, and they can be swapped even more quickly and easily thanks to a bayonet mechanism.Product Specifications:OPERATING PRINCIPLEClosedTRANSMISSION TYPEWiredEARPAD MATERIALSoftskin, memory foam fillingREMOTEClickable control wheelNOMINAL IMPEDANCE HEADPHONES32 ohmsWEIGHT HEADPHONES WITHOUT CABLE304 gHEADPHONE FREQUENCY RESPONSE5 – 30.000 HzNOMINAL SOUND PRESSURE LEVEL116 dBSOUND COUPLING TO THE EARCircumaural (around the ear)CABLE + PLUG1.2 m analog cable for devices with 4-pin jack connector and 2.4 m USB cable for PC, pluggablePOLAR PATTERN FOR MICROPHONECardioidTRANSDUCER TYPE FOR MICROPHONEElectret condenser - CardioidWarrantyBeyerDynamic Warranty
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