ENDOCARE Retincare Hyperpigmentation 30ml
Price Tracked On This Product
Highest price was seen $52.56 on Nov 11, 2024
Lowest price was seen $50.49 on Feb 04, 2025
Average price is $50.66 base on 11 price changes
Most recent price is $51.22
[[{"meta":"Nov 11, 2024","value":52.56},{"meta":"Nov 15, 2024","value":51.76},{"meta":"Nov 23, 2024","value":51.17},{"meta":"Nov 28, 2024","value":51.71},{"meta":"Dec 20, 2024","value":51.08},{"meta":"Jan 09, 2025","value":50.55},{"meta":"Jan 23, 2025","value":51.32},{"meta":"Jan 28, 2025","value":50.55},{"meta":"Jan 29, 2025","value":51.32},{"meta":"Feb 04, 2025","value":50.49},{"meta":"Feb 06, 2025","value":51.22}]]
PROPERTIESEndocare Retincare is a medical product, specifically for the treatment of xerosis, dermatoheliosis and dermatosis pigmentosa (a skin condition characterised by altered pigmentation) also related to intrinsic (or chronological) and extrinsic (or photo-induced) skin ageing.To act on the clinical aspect of skin ageing, it is necessary to promote cell turnover and increase cell renewal, maintain and promote hydration and reduce the cohesion of the cells of the most superficial layer of the skin.The main mechanism of action of Endocare Retincare in this area is attributed to the presence of polyvinyl alcohol in its formula. The film-forming activity of polyvinyl alcohol, extrinsic to its own function, mimics the effect of the entire epidermis. It prevents excessive evaporation of trans-epidermal water (TEWL), promoting skin hydration and reducing erythema and itching. The peel-off effect generated by the elimination of polyvinyl alcohol with cleansing and the keratolytic action of glycolic acid and retinoic acid favour the rapid improvement of xerosis and stretch marks (wrinkles) and the disappearance of hyperpigmentation (dark spots).Shop Online Endocare Retincare Hyperpigmentation 30ml at best price. Product features: - Face: Anti-ageing- Skin Type: Spots
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