All sales are Final - No Returns or ExchangesThe item is in pristine condition and shows very few signs of wear. Unless stated, the item does not come with original brand accessories. This pre-owned handbag is certified authentic by 2a. All items have been subjected to the most rigorous of authenticity procedures, and have been verified genuine. The Manosque PM is a chic and functional tote bag from Louis Vuitton, crafted in the well-loved brown checkered Damier Ebene canvas. The Manosque PM provides plenty of space for carrying your stuff and is adorned with beautiful rolled leather handles and an exterior pocket secured with a flap and buckle, making it an ideal bag to take with you when going shopping, traveling, or just a casual day out. Condition Details: Pristine: The item is in pristine condition and shows very few signs wear. Unless stated, the item does not come with original brand accessories. Excellent: The item is in excellent vintage condition. Minor discolorations and scratches may be present in less obvious areas such as corners, but there are no major scuffs, holes or tears. Very Good: The item is in very good vintage condition. Minor discolorations and scratches may be present in less obvious areas such as corners, but there are no major scuffs, holes or tears. Good: The item is in Good Vintage condition. There may be scuffs and discolouration on the exterior or interior of the item, but it will not have major holes or tears. Unless otherwise stated, the item does not come with original brand accessories. | FASHIONPHILE Louis Vuitton Manosque Damier Ebene -FINAL SALE NO RETURNS, Brown
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