Goliath Games Googly Eyes Spin

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Belk $36.99
  • Colour: Multicolor
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  • Delivery cost $9.95
Update at 4d ago, first seen in Jun 2024
Can you draw the clues through the wacky, spinning glasses? Get your team to guess your word before time runs out! And try not to get dizzy during this drawing guessing game! Take turns wearing the spinning glasses and draw your way to laughs and victory. If your team guesses the clue before time runs out, you earn a lens token from the board. The team with the most lens tokens after all have been removed from the board wins the game! The rotating glasses have a built-in timer and the set comes with 3 brand-new sets of distorting lenses in easy, medium, and hard versions for continuing exciting and challenging play. The 4 sticky pawns help you pick up your hard-won tokens from the board. | Goliath Games Googly Eyes Spin
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