InCharacter Costumes Royal Knight Boy's Toddler Costume | Toddler Warrior Costume

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  • Colour: Blue/Red
  • Size: M
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Update at 23h ago, first seen in Jan 2025
Good KnightSo it seems like you have a budding knight on your hands. We totally understand. If we had our choice of medieval jobs, why, the knight would be at the top (of course). Not only are they skilled protectors, but they were often wealthy. Well-known. They protected the kingdom and fought for the king. There is no nobler job than that of a knight. That's why we are completely unsurprised when you tell us you have a little one who wants to be a knight. Of course, they would. Knights are the best. Although, it's a bit difficult to be a knight that young. Typically, ye olde kingdoms would want your young one to train for years before they became a noble knight. Although we're pretty sure rules are a little different nowadays.  We're pretty sure your little one could be a knight if they wanted to. There's really only one problem: A uniform in their size. Fun DetailsNever fear, small defender of the kingdom! That's where we come in. As royal tailors, we have created uniforms of all shapes and sizes for the knights, including this Knight Costume. This outfit is a single jumpsuit styled to look like a tunic over trousers. The boot covers and gauntlets are even attached. The jumpsuit has a zipper up the back, and a coat-of-arms printed on the front. The sleeves are covered with silver mesh, to look like armor, and the red satin cape attaches to the back of the suit. The hood is covered in the same metallic silver mesh and it fastens under the chin with a hook-and-loop fastener. In this outfit, your little one will look like one of the king's finest.On Guard!Of course, if they want to graduate a full suit of metal armor and horses and jousts and such, they will have to go through all that aforementioned training... they can save that for later. For now, we simply recommend they enjoy being a protector of the realm.
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