Best Buy
Fire in the Night [Live] [LP]
from Best Buy
Journey into Nigritia [LP]
The Molly Burch Christmas Album [LP]
Reasons Why [LP]
The Dividing Line [LP]
Mausoleum [LP]
Is This Desire? [LP]
Dig It [LP]
Tuesday Night Music Club [LP]
The Road Home [LP]
Souls That Save [LP]
Cross That Line [LP]
Moonlover [LP]
Fighting Your a Go: Total Discography 1987-1990 [LP]
Tonight [LP]
Think of One [LP]
Carry the Beast [LP]
Manassas [LP]
Hunger for a Way Out [LP]
Gambler [LP]
Ultrabliss [LP]
Peter Live, Vol. 1: Covers [LP]
Carnival of Souls [LP]
Gratitude [LP]
Resonans [LP]
The Folk Lore of John Lee Hooker [LP]
AirWaves [Live at the BBC/Live at the Paris Theatre] [LP]
The Whitey Album [LP]
Stormy Beauty [LP]
Faces (Where Is Life) [LP]
This Is Not a Safe Place [LP]
Whirlpool [LP]
Learn Yourself/Morning Sun [LP]
King of New York [LP]
Sounds of Silence [LP]
Never Come Back Down [12 inch Vinyl Single]
Sirio [Concertos] [LP]
Ignorance [LP]
Demonstrating My Style [LP]
Radillac [LP]