Water won't penetrate and the rocky ground can't stop you with mountaineering shoes. Our Men's Waterproof Suede Hiking Boots are up for the adventure. Show them the way then allow anti-slip technology with a protective toe cap to pave the route. The waterproof suede leather leads to a worry-free climb. Enjoy improved grip and stability in nature. Run wild with support. The great outdoors is phoning and you're going to need some solid reinforcement to answer that call. Waterproof suede hiking boots featuring waterproof membrane construction Rubber toe cap design for anti-collision, stability, and ankle protection Rugged non-slip rubber outsole with multi-directional traction Removable and flexible insole with arch support These men's suede hiking boots are perfect for outdoor and indoor activities of hiking, hunting, camping, climbing, fishing, and more. EVA midsole Lace-up design
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