Rubies II Black Light Hairspray
Well those evil scientists have done it again! We may be a company who likes to be good but we employ evil scientists quite a bit. The problem is they make really cool things! Their latest invention is definitely one of our new favorites. They have successfully taken the radioactive ooze from their labs and combined it with a little bit of fairy dust in order to create a hairspray that will make your hair glow in the dark! We're pretty sure that it's harmless (we made them promise) and it washes out easily with some shampoo. Just spritz this on before you head out to your next rave and people will really think the lights are playing tricks on them. We'll keep you posted on anything else the scientists are making too. We hear that their working on a pretty sweet new pet that's a cross between a Chihuahua and a grizzly bear.
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