Florsheim Shoes Utility Work Steel Toe Black Plain Toe Lace Up Boot Black Size 9

Any Size
10 3E
10 D
10 E
10.5 3E
10.5 D
10.5 E
11 3E
11 D
11 E
11.5 3E
11.5 D
11.5 E
12 3E
12 D
12 E
13 3E
13 D
13 E
14 D
15 D
16 D
7 D
7.5 D
7.5 E
8 D
8 E
8.5 D
8.5 E
9 3E
9 D
9 E
9.5 3E
9.5 D
9.5 E
1 Stores
First seen in Jul 2023
When a day at work means a day on your feet far from any desk; you want a boot that can keep up and keep you comfortable. As tough as it is stylish; the Florsheim Utility Steel Toe Plain Toe Lace Up Boot features a 6" high boot design; tumbled leather upper; steel toe; and a durable polyurethane sole. Florsheim Shoes handcraft all shoes and accessories for the man who cares.
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