The Cordless Collection Cordless Light Filtering Double Cellular Shade
Any Color

Any Size
21.5" x 72
22" x 72
22.5" x 72
24" x 72
25" x 72
26" x 72
28" x 72
29" x 72
29.5" x 72
31" x 72
31.5" x 72
32" x 72
33.5" x 72
34" x 72
34.5" x 72
35" x 72
35.5" x 72
36" x 72
37" x 72
37.5" x 72
38" x 72
39" x 72
39.5" x 72
42" x 72
43" x 72
46" x 72
46.5" x 72
57" x 72
57.5" x 72
1 Stores
First seen in Jan 2021
Cordless light filtering double cellular shade is a smart choice when you wish for total control of your room's lightness, often for privacy or sleep. These double cellular shades are a practical alternative to standard window blinds and made to fit most standard windows.
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